
जुलाई, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Badri Cow - Uttarakhand's Indegenous Health Wealth Happiness बद्री पहाड़ी गाय

                                                              "वंदे धेनु मातरम्" The Red Hill Cattle or Badri is a dual-purpose ‘desi’ cattle breed – reared for milking and draught purposes. The petite Badri cow is found only in hill districts and was earlier known as the ‘pahadi’ cow. These cattle are well adapted to the hilly terrain and the climatic conditions of Uttarakhand. This sturdy and disease-resistant breed is found in hilly regions of Uttarakhand. The Badri cow is considered auspicious and is also used for religious purposes. Disease resistance is a very important characteristic of this breed as it rarely gets any disease. It remains healthy throughout life, as these cattle are fed on pure vegetation and live in natural and fresh, pollution-free condition of the hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Badri breed is the f...